Summer Events You Won't Want To Miss in Summit & Park County
July 4th: Independence Day Celebration - Free!
July 9th: Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival
July 29-31: Breckenridge Food and Wine Festival
August 12-21: Breckenridge International Festival of Arts
August 14-19: Breck Epic
August 26-28: Breckenridge Hogfest: Bacon and Bourbon
Saturday May 21 - Town Clean Up Day - Free!
Satuday June 4 - Rock The Dock - Free!
June 17-18: Frisco BBQ Challenge
July 4: Frisco’s Fabulous 4th of July - Free!
June 25-26: Keystone Bacon & Bourbon Festival
July 2: Stars and Guitars - Free!
August 6-7: 25th Annual Bluegrass & Beer Festival
September 3: Keystone Oktoberfest
May 21: Town Clean Up Day - Free!
June 11: Lake Dillon Beer Festival
All Summer Long: Dillon Amphitheater Concerts - Check out the calendar
Every Friday In Summer: Dillon Farmer’s Market
May 21: Town Clean Up Day - Free!
FIrst Friday of Each Month: First Friday Celebrations
July 4: Fourth of Jul Celebration with the National Repertory Orchestra
June 3,4 & 5: Town Clean Up Day - Free!
July 4: Fairplay’s Independence Day Celebration - Free!
July 29-31: Burro Days - Free!
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